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Buy Verified OKEx Account

Original price was: $200.00.Current price is: $150.00.

Level 1 verification –

For fundamental verification (Level 1), please provide the following primary information about your business enterprise, such as:

– Country of registration

– Company call

– Company registration number

– Date of incorporation

– Registration deal with and operation deal with

– Actual controllers (or partners), administrators, and UBO statistics (e.G. Felony representative, real controller, account consumer)

– Confirm that your business enterprise has no bearer shares


Buy Verified Okex Account

Buy a proven Okex account and begin the usage of.

Level 1 verification –

For simple verification (Level 1), please provide the following basic facts of your enterprise, which includes:

– Country of registration

– Company name

– Company registration wide variety

– Date of incorporation

– Registration address and operation deal with

– Actual controllers (or partners), directors, and UBO records (e.G. Legal representative, real controller, account user)

– Confirm that your organization has no bearer stocks

For advanced verification (Level 2), please provide the subsequent statistics –

– Company advent (A short description of the company’s enterprise operations).

– Customer kind (It can be decided on in the system).

– Sources of funds (It can be selected inside the machine).

– Estimated monthly buying and selling quantity (It may be decided on within the device).

– Total belongings management (It can be decided on inside the machine).

As well as the relevant company files, such as –

– Certificate of Incorporation & Business Registration

– Shareholder structure chart

– Company Memorandum & Articles of Association (M&AA).

– Certificate of Incumbency / Annual Return (Please list the documents of the corporation’s administrators and beneficiary shareholders in the preceding fiscal 12 months in element; or comparable files confirming the enterprise’s shareholder structure, possession, and management).

– Account establishing authorization letter (There’s an instance at the Level 2 verification web page.)

Actual controller/ Ultimate Beneficial Owner/ legal account operator evidence (identity and deal with proof report).

– AML Policy (If relevant).

Click More: Buy Verified Okcoin Account


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